Friday, 22 April 2016

Interview to Stephen Curry

Hi readers! we are here with the best basketball player of nowadays, who has become a celebrity in very few period of time. Yes, we are here with Stephen Curry and we are going to have a little interview with him. Have a interview with him is very luxurious because he's very difficult to meet.

So hello Stephen, and here is the first question:

ZUFIII: 1. where were you born?
Stephen: I was born in Akron, Ohio, the fifth largest city in the United States.

Z: 2. How was your experience at freshman season?
Stephen: I have very good experiences and memories at freshman season, I remeber very well my first match against Eastern Michigan, and I finished with 15 points but committed 13 turnovers. In the next game, against Michigan, I scored 32 points, dished out 4 assists, and grabbed 9 rebounds. I finished the season leading the Southern Conference in scoring with 21.5 points per game.

Z: 3. What was your motivation for playing basketball in your childhood?
Stephen: It's a good question, well, my motivation was my father. My father was a player of NBA, and I learned the fundamentals of basketball by watching and practicing with my father. However, was my mother who instilled me in training with her while my father was with his team.

Z:4.  Did you start playing basketball when you were a child, or did you prefer another sport?
Stephen: Well, when I was a Child I only liked football, and nowadays also I like it very much, but I wasn´t very good. So I started watching my father and I finished loving basketball. Nowadays I see football very much and I have a very good friend playing there, you know, he is Leo Messi.

Z: 5. When you were a child, what were your expectations for the future?
Stephen: When I started playing basketball my expectation was to finish playing in NBA and winning it. And you see, we already beat the record of most wins in a season. I thing that we are in the good way to win the NBA, so fulfill my dream. 

Z: 6. Who was your idol when you were a child?
Stephen: Clearly there were a lot of players I liked when I was a child, but my idol was Drazen Petrovic who was a croatian professional basketball player. He was my idol, but my example to follow was my father, Dell Curry.

Z: 7. Nowadays you are the best player in the world, have you got any dreams for the future? Or have you already complied any?
Stephen: As I have said before my expectation or dream when I was a child was to win the NBA, and we are doing it very well, but nowadays I have completed my dream, that was to have a family. I have a wonderful daughter with another wondeful person who is my wife.

Z: 8. Did you have any relationship with a girl when you were a teenager?
Stephen: Well I have more than one relationships with a girl but all of them ended badly. It wasn´t a but experience but, well, you know, I would prefer not to repeat that again.

Z: 9. What does winning the MVP mean for you?
Stephen: It´s a very good question. When you win this prize, you have a rare sensation, it is not a bad sensation but I do not know you are more motivated and it is a really good felling. For me winning the MVP is one of few things that I will remember for all my life.

Z: 10. What do you want to do when your career is finished? 
 Stephen: When my career finishes I want to be the coach of my team, Golden State Warriors, and I want to win all the trophies that are possible. Win the NBA like a coach should have a very good sensation, I thing that if I became coach I will not regret it. 

Z: Here finishes the interview with Curry, thank you Stephen and see you again.
Stephen: Yes, it has been a very good interview, bye and see you!

(This interview did not happen ever)

Monday, 4 April 2016

Extreme Sports (Mindmap)

Hi readers, in this period of time I´ve been working on doing a mindmap. With the web Mind42, It is too easy to do these tipes of maps because it have a lot of gadgets to use and it is very usefull. My map consist in six different extreme sports, with the best sporters on each. Also in what consist each sport and an image for them.

I have chosen this topic because I think that It is interesting for you, my readers!

Here you hava a link to see the mindmap in the web:


If you want to see it in  my blog here you have the map: