In this second article I'm going to talk about the social websites (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook...).
I'm going to write about the good and the bad consequences of using these social websites, the different meaning of "a friend" and how to guarantee the security of your account.
Firstly, if you use properly and thinking what are you doing, there are much advantages with the websites. You can met any people from all over the world and chat with him or her, or communicate with your family and friends. also you can take information of what is happening in the world at the moment. If you are bored, you can play games online with your friends, or see the photos of them and upload and share thous things. You can enjoy of all of this using properly the webs.
However, there are also disadvantages. The most dangerous is that your password can be stolen and they can do anything with your social website. But apart of this, It's not very good to stay all the time into this webs, because, yes okay, you are always doing something with any people and it can be very funny, but you should have a social life also, doing things like go to see a film or run or whatever you want with your real friends or family.
The friends of the real live (traditional friends) and a friend that is of Instagram, Twitter or Facebook are very different. With a traditional friend, you can have a good confidence and you can trust in he or she. Whereas, with the social websites friends, It's very dangerous to have a confidence because the relationship can be very false. Also It's very dangerous to accept people that you don't know them, because there are much threats cases, with your own photos or videos. So, be careful with these people.
The security of social webs are not bad. The people that want to speak with you or see your photos and you don't know who they are, can't speak to you or see your photos if you don't give permission to them. You should make your account private. If you want to speak with a friend privately you can send him a private message. Also it is good to put a difficult password with letters and numbers, and to be possible with more than 8 characters, to be safely for stolen of the accounts. Apart of this, we accept in many times unknown person, and my personal opinion is to no accept unknown persons. To finish with, you can block people that you want no to be followed.
A suggestion that I make to the site owners is that should help more to the people that have problems with the websites.
But in general I´m very happy with the social websites, if they are used properly.